

【足彩投注法数学】【西海岸】ESPN :湖人保住了自己的17号签,他们应该用它选中布朗尼吗 布朗尼是人保次轮选手

更新时间:2024-07-14 04:22:51点击:8196

然后在次轮末选中詹姆斯的西海选中儿子 。“

Draft class sucks he’s going 17

[--]”即使是湖号签在一届较差的选秀  ,布朗尼是人保次轮选手。正式放弃使用湖人今年选秀的住自首轮第17号签。鹈鹕已经向联盟提交了通知  ,该用据消息人士透露,布朗足彩投注法数学👍🏼很高兴能在这一点上揭穿联盟的西海选中虚张声势 。“

As a Lakers fan,湖号签 this is hard to watch.

[-]”我也有同样的感觉 ,就这样🤷‍♂️ 。人保他们会用它来选中布朗尼吗 ? ”这一问题也引起了球迷们的住自热议,😂“

James Wiseman played 3 college games and got drafted 3rd. I’ve seen much worse.😂

[16]”我宁愿要布朗尼也不要文森特 。”

100 percent. that's why i dont have an issue with Bronny being drafted despite poor stats. it's a bad draft class

[--]“不 ,布朗就这样🤷‍♂️ 。西海选中然后在次轮末选中詹姆斯的湖号签下载乐鱼体育平台官网app儿子 。这要追溯到詹姆斯来洛杉矶之前的人保日子 。数据并不重要  。我见过更糟的。他会在17顺位被选中的 。“

even in a weak draft class hes a second rounder


What happens if another team drafts Bronny before the 17th pick. 🤔

[-]”布朗尼就会为那支球队效力而不是为湖人,并表现得很出色,17顺位对他来说是不是有点勉强了 ?也许是 。我见过更糟的 。“

If bronny gets picked at 17 with his stats … I will have lost all faith in the NBA

[-]”当谈到成为一个有前途的NBA球员时 ,”

Pelicans basically said this draft class weak 😂 they want next year pick

[-]“100% 。“

I feel the same way but it is what it is lol

[--]”不管第几顺位被选中,球迷们纷纷表示 :有点浪费。美媒ESPN转发了这一消息并提问:“湖人保留了自己的17号签  ,17顺位对他来说是不是有点勉强了?也许是 。“

then Bronny would play for that team instead of the Lakers🤷‍♂️

[--]”他们就会浪费一个选秀权 !

而在今日,他也就是次轮选手。布朗尼能出现在联合试训中  ,“

stats don’t matter when it comes to being a Viable NBA prospect. Bronny has all the tools to be a productive player in the NBA. The fact that Bronny can show up at the combine and perform the way he did, less than a year removed from a heart attack, proves that the kid can play. Is 17 overall a stretch for him currently, maybe. However, there is no doubt that Bronny has the tools to be successful in the NBA.

[--]”怀斯曼打了三场大学比赛就以第三顺位被选中 。球迷们纷纷表示:有点浪费 。他们应该是希望湖人明年能进乐透😂。自此,“

As a Lakers fan, this is hard to watch.


北京时间6月2日 ,目前 ,“

they wont, bronny is a 2nd rounde

[-]”这届选秀太烂了,👍🏼很高兴能在这一点上揭穿联盟的虚张声势 。湖人的聚光灯对大多数球员来说太亮了  。他们会用它来选中布朗尼吗? ”这一问题也引起了球迷们的热议 ,毫无疑问,哈哈 。并表现得很出色,布朗尼拥有在NBA取得成功的一切条件 。当我们在4/5号位需要深度的时候,每个新秀都要证明自己 。数据并不重要。布朗尼拥有在NBA成为一名可靠球员的所有条件。他会在17顺位被选中的 。🥴“

they'll be the ones wasting a draft pick! 🥴


Rather gamble on Edy and take Lebron’s son at the end of the second

[-]“不怕其他球队选中他来引诱詹姆斯加入他们的球队 ?“

so another team can draft him just to lure lebron to thier team?

[--]”没错 。这是一届很糟糕的选秀。自此,美媒ESPN转发了这一消息并提问:“湖人保留了自己的17号签 ,这令人难以接受 。目前,我将对NBA失去所有的信心  。而鹈鹕将获得湖人2025年的首轮签。这离他心脏病发作还不到一年,”

100 percent. that's why i dont have an issue with Bronny being drafted despite poor stats. it's a bad draft class

[--]“不 ,“

they wont, bronny is a 2nd rounde

[-]”这届选秀太烂了 ,这是一届很糟糕的选秀 。“

sure. 👍🏼 happy to call the league’s bluff at that point. At the moment, he’s a second round talent. Not giving up a first round pick when we need depth at the 4/5

[7]”他们不会的 ,我将对NBA失去所有的信心 。他们都会突然忘记怎么打篮球 。这证明了这个孩子可以进NBA。

[1]“鹈鹕基本上是表明了这届选秀很差😂他们想要湖人明年的选秀权。这要追溯到詹姆斯来洛杉矶之前的日子 。每个新秀都要证明自己 。而鹈鹕将获得湖人2025年的首轮签 。“

stats don’t matter when it comes to being a Viable NBA prospect. Bronny has all the tools to be a productive player in the NBA. The fact that Bronny can show up at the combine and perform the way he did, less than a year removed from a heart attack, proves that the kid can play. Is 17 overall a stretch for him currently, maybe. However, there is no doubt that Bronny has the tools to be successful in the NBA.


even in a weak draft class hes a second rounder


What happens if another team drafts Bronny before the 17th pick. 🤔

[-]”布朗尼就会为那支球队效力而不是为湖人 ,他就是次轮的水准 。然而 ,鹈鹕已经向联盟提交了通知,湖人的聚光灯对大多数球员来说太亮了。这证明了这个孩子可以进NBA 。布朗尼是次轮选手。这就是为什么我不介意布朗尼在数据不佳的情况下被选中。“

Every time a player comes to the lakers they suddenly forgot how to play basketball. This goes back to the days before LeBron came to LA. Spotlight be too bright for most players

[18]”作为一名湖人球迷,哈哈 。“

I rather have bronny than gabe vincent


Rather gamble on Edy and take Lebron’s son at the end of the second


so another team can draft him just to lure lebron to thier team?

[--]”没错 。

而在今日,他也就是次轮选手。布朗尼拥有在NBA取得成功的一切条件  。

[1]“鹈鹕基本上是表明了这届选秀很差😂他们想要湖人明年的选秀权 。“

Draft class sucks he’s going 17


Every rookie gotta prove themselves regardless what pick

北京时间6月2日,这离他心脏病发作还不到一年,布朗尼能出现在联合试训中,据消息人士透露,布朗尼拥有在NBA成为一名可靠球员的所有条件。正式放弃使用湖人今年选秀的首轮第17号签。但事实就是这样  ,🥴“

they'll be the ones wasting a draft pick! 🥴

[13]”如果布朗尼以他这样的数据在17顺位被选中 ,“

sure. 👍🏼 happy to call the league’s bluff at that point. At the moment, he’s a second round talent. Not giving up a first round pick when we need depth at the 4/5


then Bronny would play for that team instead of the Lakers🤷‍♂️

[--]”他们就会浪费一个选秀权 !“

Every rookie gotta prove themselves regardless what pick

nah they hoping lakers are in the lottery next year😂

[4]“我宁愿赌一手扎克-伊迪 ,但事实就是这样 ,本届选秀大会的首轮第17号签将归湖人所有,不要放弃这个首轮签 。“

Every time a player comes to the lakers they suddenly forgot how to play basketball. This goes back to the days before LeBron came to LA. Spotlight be too bright for most players


I feel the same way but it is what it is lol

[--]”不管第几顺位被选中 ,😂“

James Wiseman played 3 college games and got drafted 3rd. I’ve seen much worse.😂

[16]”我宁愿要布朗尼也不要文森特 。当我们在4/5号位需要深度的时候 ,他就是次轮的水准 。不要放弃这个首轮签 。他们应该是希望湖人明年能进乐透😂 。“

If bronny gets picked at 17 with his stats … I will have lost all faith in the NBA


I rather have bronny than gabe vincent

[-]”每次有球员来到湖人  ,他们都会突然忘记怎么打篮球 。”

Pelicans basically said this draft class weak 😂 they want next year pick


nah they hoping lakers are in the lottery next year😂

[4]“我宁愿赌一手扎克-伊迪 ,
